Wood splitters

Family 6T - front loader or tractor

Kód výrobku: STI/TRA/01

Wood splitter FAMILY is a robust mobile machine used to cutting wood, especially wooden logs. The splitter is a hydraulic device powered by the hydraulic circuit of the tractor or front loader, a splitting force of 6t. Connection to the three-point hitch of a tractor or front loader.

FAMILY is equipped with a handle and moving wheels designed for local machine manipulation.

The basic equipment of the splitter includes an additional small table for small logs, a cross ax, an automatic switchboard and a large block retainer.

Without VAT
44 900 Kč
Price with VAT
54 329 Kč

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Into production



Technical parameters

Length:1 m
Width:0,8 m
Height:1,2 m
Pulled out height:1,55 m
Weight:250 kg
Splitting pressure:6t
Max. log height (with table):1
Piston travel:0,5 m
Upward feed rate:x m/s m/sec
Downward feed rate:x m/s m/sec
Chassis:for manual movement
Straight ax:Yes
Cross ax:Yes
Additional table (height adjustable):Yes
Hinge joint:Yes


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